AL Test Runner Pre-Release Version


There is now a pre-release version of the AL Test Runner extension for Visual Studio Code. It will have the latest (and possibly unstable) features.


VS Code recently added support for pre-release versions of extensions. You can install a pre-release by clicking on the “Switch to Pre-Release Version” button from the extension details within VS Code. See for more details.

Up ’til now I have typically packaged a new version of the extension and used it myself for a week or two to check that it isn’t horribly broken before I push an update to the marketplace. Having a pre-release version will give me a better way to use the extension myself but also get feedback from anyone who is interested in being a beta tester. GitHub issues are the best place to log requests or bugs.

What’s in the Pre-Release?

There are few things which are currently in the pre-release but not in the release version.

Debug All Tests

Bit niche, but I have actually found it useful on a couple of occasions. There is an icon at the top of the Test Explorer view and a command in the command palette to debug all the tests, so I decided to add support for it in my extension.

A new version of the Test Runner Service app is required to support this. Install with the "Install Test Runner Service" command from inside VS Code or download the latest version from here:

Publishing Apps using PowerShell

There is a new setting to publish apps to the container using PowerShell (the bccontainerhelper module) rather than the publish command in VS Code.

Why? A couple of reasons.

  1. I can’t know whether the app has compiled and published successfully when using the AL: Publish command. If publishing the app fails then VS Code is left thinking that the tests are running when in reality they never started. You need to manually cancel the test run before you can start another from the Test Explorer. Publishing from PowerShell gives a little more control
  2. I’m toying with the idea of automating test runs in the background while developing, something along the lines that Luc suggested here: This would require a more reliable to compile and publish the app(s) than just triggering the AL: Publish command and hoping that it worked


There is a new key in the AL Test Runner config.json file to specify the id of the test runner codeunit id to use. It defaults to the codeunit isolation runner but you can override with another if you like.


Various other improvements – updated Pester tests, updated GitHub actions. Take a look on GitHub if you are interested.

Test Explorer in Visual Studio Code

The July 2021 release of Visual Studio Code (1.59) introduced a new testing API and Test Explorer UI. From v0.6.0 this API is used by AL Test Runner.

Test Explorer Demo



The biggest improvement is the Test Explorer view which shows your test codeunits, their test methods and the status of each.

Hovering over a test gives you three icons to run, debug or open an editor at the test.

You can run and debug all the tests in a given codeunit by hovering over the codeunit name or run and debug all tests at the top.

The filter box allows you to easily find specific tests, which I’ve found useful in projects which several test codeunits and hundreds of tests.

You can also filter to only show failed tests or only test which are present in the codeunit in the current editor. The explorer supports different ways of sorting and displaying the tests.

Icons are added into the gutter alongside test methods in the editor. Left click to run the test or right click to see this context menu with more options.

The old “Run Test” and “Debug Test” codelens actions are also still added above the test definition.

Commands & Shortcuts

A whole set of new commands are introduced with keyboard chords beginning with Ctrl + ; The existing AL Test Runner keyboard shortcuts still work but there are some nice options in the new set – like “Test: Rerun Last Run” to repeat the last run test without having to navigate to it again.

Using the Test Explorer

Using the Test Explorer is pretty self-explanatory if you’ve already been using AL Test Runner. When you open your workspace/folder the tests should be automatically discovered and loaded into the Test Explorer view. On first opening all of the tests will have no status i.e. neither pass or fail – but results from now on will be persisted.

Running one or more tests – regardless of where you run them from (Test Explorer, Command Palette, CodeLens, Keyboard Shortcut) – will start a test run. You’ll see “Running tests…” in the Status Bar.

Once the test(s) have finished running you’ll see the results at the top of the Test Explorer, “x / y tests passed (z %)”, and the status icons by each test will be updated.

If the tests do not actually run e.g. because your container isn’t started then the test run will not finish and “Running tests” will continue to spin at the bottom of the screen. You can stop the run manually from the top of the Test Explorer, fix the problem and go again.

Share Docker Containers With VS Code Live Share

If you weren’t working remotely before 2020 then we’ve all had to guess used to it this year. Collaboration tools like Teams are invaluable for keeping up with teammates during the day, discussing work and bouncing ideas and banter off each other. Video calls, screen sharing, chat, shared documents, gifs – that’s all great – but not quite a replacement for sitting at the same desk and looking at some code together.

There is a better way.

What is Live Share?

If you’re not already using VS Code Live Share then check it out. Get the extension pack rather than just the Live Share extension itself which adds audio calling through the sharing session. Sign in with a Microsoft or GitHub account and then start a live share session. A URL is generated that you can share for others to join, from VS Code, Visual Studio or even a browser.

Others will be able to see the source code, navigate and edit it. You can see each other’s cursors and choose to follow someone or work independently. Just like real-time collaborating on a shared Google doc or Word document but in the IDE. Your own extensions, your own theme, but working on shared code.

Whether you’re into pair-programming or just occasionally want a colleague to look at your code and help with something this is a great solution. Being able to independently navigate the source code and go-to definitions is far better than simply screen sharing.

However, seeing the source code is one thing, you really want to be able to publish the changes and see them in the web client.

Sharing a Server

We develop against local Docker containers. Which is great for giving each of us complete control over our own environment. It’s not so great for sharing that environment with others. But wait, you can share your local Docker container through the Live Share session.

First, make sure that you are publishing all ports when you create the Docker container. This will publish the container’s internal ports (80, 443, 7045-7049, 8080) to ports on the host. You’ll be able to access ports inside the container via the ports they are mapped to on the host.

Run docker ps to see the which host ports the container has been hooked up to. In my example, I’m accessing the web client over http so I’m interested in what port 80 is mapped to.>80 indicates that port 60425 on the host (my local machine) has been mapped to port 0 in the container. In which case, http://localhost:60425/bc should load the web client. Check that you can open a browser to that address and log in.

Docker container details with docker ps

Now we can share that address as a shared server. Click on Share server… and enter the web client URL in the dialog box. You can give a friendly name to the shared server as well if you like.

Once you’ve shared the container anyone else who has joined the session will be able to click on the link under Shared Servers. That will load the web client to your local Docker container through the Live Share session.

I’ll say that again – it will load the web client, running in your local Docker container, through the Live Share session đź‘€ As far as your collaborator is concerned they just load the same URL as you (http://localhost:60425/bc) and have access.

Before you ask, I don’t know. Probably magic.

Now What?

Now you can genuinely collaborate on some code, in real-time and publish to the same Docker container to see the results and test. Maybe you want to work together on some code, maybe you need want some help with a tricky bug or requirement. Last week I used it to ask a colleague to quickly test a fix for a bug that he had reported.

Use your imagination. This is just one of the many benefits that moving our development to VS Code has brought. Good times.

Tip: Case Insensitive Glob Patterns

I must admit I hadn’t heard of glob patterns until seeing some settings in VS Code that use them. They are a way of defining a pattern that matches one or more files and folders. For example, the Text Editor section of the settings (UI) in VS Code allows you to exclude files and folders from the file explorer with glob patterns and gives you this useful link for more information.

My AL Test Runner extension has a glob pattern setting to identify your test codeunits (used when identifying the file path and line number of a failing test to give you a clickable link in the output window).

Turns out that glob patterns are case-sensitive. You can, however, match from a group of characters (like regular expressions) with square brackets. Useful if you’ve got inconsistently named files. My Test Codeunit Glob Pattern setting (in AL Test Runner) is set to **Tests/*.[cC] i.e. match files in a Tests folder which end with either or

Tip: Format AL Files OnSave in Visual Studio Code

Maybe everyone else is already doing this and I’m just slow on the uptake but Visual Studio Code has options to automatically format files at various points.

The AL extension for VS Code provides a formatter for .al files. You can run it manually with the Format Document command (Shift+Alt+F). This inserts the correct number of spaces between parameters and brackets, indents lines correctly and generally tidies the current document up.

You can have VS Code automatically format the document when pasting, typing and saving. Search for format in the settings.

These settings will be applied globally. Alternatively you can enable the formatting just for specific file types. Click on the AL link in the right hand corner of the status bar and choose “Configure AL language based settings…”

This opens the VS Code settings JSON file in your AppData folder (on Windows) and adds an [al] object to the file. Create the “editor.formatOnSave” and set its value to true to enable AL formatting when the files are saved. You can use intellisense (Ctrl+Space) to list the valid options in this file.

VS Code for the win.