An Approach to Package Management in Dynamics 365 Business Central


We use PowerShell to call the Azure DevOps API and retrieve Build Artefacts from the last successful build of the repository/repositories that we’re dependent on.


Over the last few years I’ve moved into a role where I’m managing a development team more than I’m writing code myself. I’ve spent a lot of that time looking at tools and practices in the broader software development community. After all, whether you’re writing C/AL, AL, PowerShell or JavaScript it’s all code and it’s unlikely that we’ll face any challenges that haven’t already been faced in one way or another in a different setting.

In that time we’ve introduced:

Package Management

The next thing to talk about is package management. I’ve written about the benefits of trying to avoid dependencies between your apps before (see here). However, if app A relies on app B and you cannot foresee ever deploying A without B then you have a dependency. There is no point trying to code your way round the problems that avoiding the dependency will create.

Accepting that your app has one or more dependencies – and most of our apps have at least one – opens up a bunch of questions and presents some interesting challenges.

Most obviously you need to know, where can I get the .app files for the apps that I am dependent on? Is it at least the minimum version required by my app? Is this the correct app for the version of the Dynamics NAV / Dynamics 365 Business Central that I am developing against? Are the apps that I depend on themselves dependent on other apps? If so, where do I get those from? Is there another layer of dependencies below that? Is it really turtles all the way down?

These are the sorts of questions that you don’t want to have to worry about when you are setting up an environment to develop in. Docker gives us a slick way to quickly create disposable development and testing environments. We don’t want to burn all the time that Docker saves us searching for, publishing and installing app files before we can start work.

This is what a package manager is for. The developer just needs to declare what their app depends on and leave the package manager to retrieve and install the appropriate packages.

The Goal

Why are we talking about this? What are we trying to achieve?

We want to keep the maintenance of all apps separate. When writing app A I shouldn’t need to know or care about the development of app B beyond my use of its API. I just need to know:

  • The minimum version that includes the functionality that I need – this will go into my app.json file
  • I can acquire that, or a later, version of the app from somewhere as and when I need it

I want to be able to specify my dependencies and with the minimum of fuss download and install those apps into my Docker container.

We’ve got a PowerShell command to do just that.

Get-ALDependencies -Container BCOnPrem -Install

There are a few jigsaw pieces we need to gather before we can start putting it all together.

Locating the Apps

We need somewhere to store the latest version of the apps that we might depend upon. There is usually some central, public repository where the packages are hosted – think of the PowerShell Gallery or Docker Hub for example.

We don’t have an equivalent repository for AL apps. AppSource performs that function for Business Central SaaS but that’s not much use to us while we are developing or if the apps we need aren’t on AppSource. We’re going to need to set something up ourselves.

You could just use a network folder. Or maybe SharePoint. Or some custom web service that you created. Our choice is Azure DevOps build artefacts. For a few reasons:

  • We’ve already got all of our AL code going through build pipelines anyway. The build creates the .app files, digitally signs them and stores them as build artefacts
  • The artefacts are only stored if all the tests ran successfully which ought to give us more confidence relying on them
  • The build automatically increments the app version so it should always be clear which version of the app is later and we shouldn’t get caught in app version purgatory when upgrading an app that we’re dependent on
  • We’re already making use of Azure DevOp’s REST API for loads of other stuff – it was easy to add some commands to retrieve the build artefacts (hence my earlier post on getting started with the API)

Identifying the Repository

There is a challenge here. In the app.json file we identify dependencies by app name, id and publisher. To find a build – and its artefacts – we need to know the project and repository name in Azure DevOps.

Seeing as we can’t add extra details into the app.json file itself we hold these details in a separate json file – environment.json. This file can have an array of dependency objects with a:

  • name – which should match the name of the dependency in the app.json file
  • project – the Azure DevOps project to to find this app in
  • repo – the Git repository in that project to find this app in

Once we know the right repository we can use the Azure DevOps API to find the most recent successful build and download its artefacts.

I’m aware that we could use Azure DevOps to create proper releases, rather than downloading apps that are still in development. We probably should – maybe I’ll come back and update this post some day. For now, we find that using the artefacts from builds is fine for the two main purposes we use them: creating local development environments and creating a Docker container as part of a build. We have a separate, manual process for uploading new released versions to SharePoint for now.

The Code

So much for the theory, let’s look at some code. In brief we:

  1. Read app.json and iterate through the dependencies
  2. For each dependency, find the corresponding entry in the environment.json file and read the project and repo for that dependency
  3. Download the app from the last successful build for that repo
  4. Acquire the app.json of the dependency
  5. Repeat steps 2-5 recursively for each branch of the dependency tree
  6. Optionally publish and install the apps that have been found (starting at the bottom of the tree and working up)

A few notes about the code:

  • It’s not all here – particularly the definition of Invoke-TFSAPI. That is just a wrapper for the Invoke-WebRequest command which adds the authentication headers (as previously described)
  • These functions are split across different files and grouped into a module, I’ve bundled them into a single file here for ease

(The PowerShell is hosted here if you can’t see it embedded below:

function Get-ALDependencies {
[string]$SourcePath = (Get-Location),
[string]$ContainerName = (Split-Path (Get-Location) -Leaf),
if (!([IO.Directory]::Exists((Join-Path $SourcePath '.alpackages')))) {
Create-EmptyDirectory (Join-Path $SourcePath '.alpackages')
$AppJson = ConvertFrom-Json (Get-Content (Join-Path $SourcePath 'app.json') -Raw)
Get-ALDependenciesFromAppJson -AppJson $AppJson -SourcePath $SourcePath -ContainerName $ContainerName -Install:$Install
function Get-ALDependenciesFromAppJson {
[string]$SourcePath = (Get-Location),
foreach ($Dependency in $AppJson.dependencies) {
$EnvDependency = Get-DependencyFromEnvironment -SourcePath $SourcePath -Name $
$Apps = Get-AppFromLastSuccessfulBuild -ProjectName $EnvDependency.project -RepositoryName $EnvDependency.repo
$DependencyAppJson = Get-AppJsonForProjectAndRepo -ProjectName $EnvDependency.project -RepositoryName $EnvDependency.repo
Get-ALDependenciesFromAppJson -AppJson $DependencyAppJson -SourcePath $SourcePath -RepositoryName $RepositoryName -ContainerName $ContainerName -Install:$Install
foreach ($App in $Apps) {
if (!$App.FullName.Contains('Tests')) {
Copy-Item $App.FullName (Join-Path (Join-Path $SourcePath '.alpackages') $App.Name)
if ($Install.IsPresent) {
try {
Publish-NavContainerApp -containerName $ContainerName -appFile $App.FullName -sync -install
catch {
if (!($_.Exception.Message.Contains('already published'))) {
throw $_.Exception.Message
function Get-AppJsonForProjectAndRepo {
$VSTSProjectName = (Get-VSTSProjects | where name -like ('*{0}*' -f $ProjectName)).name
$AppContent = Invoke-TFSAPI ('{0}{1}/_apis/git/repositories/{2}/items?path=app.json' -f (Get-TFSCollectionURL), $VSTSProjectName, (Get-RepositoryId -ProjectName $VSTSProjectName -RepositoryName $RepositoryName)) -GetContents
$AppJson = ConvertFrom-Json $AppContent
function Get-DependencyFromEnvironment {
Get-EnvironmentKeyValue -SourcePath $SourcePath -KeyName 'dependencies' | where name -eq $Name
function Get-EnvironmentKeyValue {
[string]$SourcePath = (Get-Location),
if (!(Test-Path (Join-Path $SourcePath 'environment.json'))) {
return ''
$JsonContent = Get-Content (Join-Path $SourcePath 'environment.json') -Raw
$Json = ConvertFrom-Json $JsonContent
function Get-VSTSProjects {
(Invoke-TFSAPI -Url ('{0}_apis/projects?$top=1000' -f (Get-TFSCollectionURL))).value
function Get-RepositoryId {
$Repos = Invoke-TFSAPI ('{0}{1}/_apis/git/repositories' -f (Get-TFSCollectionURL), $ProjectName)
if ($RepositoryName -ne '') {
$Id = ($Repos.value | where name -like ('*{0}*' -f $RepositoryName)).id
else {
$Id = $Repos.value.item(0).id
if ($Id -eq '' -or $Id -eq $null) {
$Id = Get-RepositoryId -ProjectName $ProjectName -RepositoryName ''

Getting Started with the Azure DevOps API

Azure DevOps is pretty sweet. Manage your code, backlog, sprints, builds – the whole caboodle. Also, it has a comprehensive REST API so you can access your data and integrate with DevOps from anywhere you like.

Ever since we started with DevOps (VSTS, TFS) we created some PowerShell scripts to integrate with it for Dynamics NAV development. They’ve become an indispensable part of a developer’s day.

(I’m going to refer to “Azure DevOps” as ADO from now on. I know ADO is an already familiar acronym in software development but I don’t want to type “Azure DevOps” every time and just referring to it as “DevOps” makes no sense. I’m not sure “Azure DevOps” makes much sense as a name anyway. Surely DevOps refers to the practice, not the tool you use to achieve it? Anyway…digression over.)


The first thing you’re going to need to do is authenticate with your instance of ADO. You can create a Personal Access Token to authenticate your requests.

ADO Profile Menu.JPG

Sign in to your ADO instance, click on your profile (top right) and select Security from the menu.

Click “New Token” to create a new Personal Access Token. Give it a name, I’ll call mine “Azure Barbara” (only marginally sillier than “Azure DevOps”).

There are a bunch of “scopes” (25, at the time of writing) to which you can grant this token access. You can define which scopes an API call authorised with this token should have access to. For the sake of this example, I’ll choose “Full access”. Choose an expiration date for this key and hit Create.

Your token will be created and displayed. You need to copy this token somewhere safe. This is the only opportunity you will have to view the token. If you lose it you’ll need to create a new one.

Calling the API

Now that you’ve got an access token you can go ahead and call the API. The API is well documented here:

As a test, I’ll list the team projects in my instance. Open up PowerShell…

function Create-BasicAuthHeader {

  $Auth = '{0}:{1}' -f $Name, $PAT
  $Auth = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Auth)
  $Auth = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($Auth)
  $Header = @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $Auth)} 

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '<ADO organisation name>/_apis/projects' -Headers (Create-BasicAuthHeader 'Azure Barabara' '<personal access token>') -Method Get

Replace <ADO organisation name> with the name of your organisation in ADO. Also put your token name and value into the script in place of Barbara.

The Create-BasicAuthHeader function creates an authentication header which is passed by Invoke-WebRequest. If all is well you’ll get some JSON back. Something like this. I’ve got one project in my ADO instance called “Hello World”.

{"count":1,"value":[{"id":"<GUID>","name":"Hello World","url":"<my ADO instance>/_apis/projects/<project GUID>","state":"wellFormed","revision":471004199,"visibility":"private","lastUpdateTime":"2019-02-28T16:21:42.417Z"}]}

Nice. Next time we can set about something that is actually useful. To whet your appetite, these are some of the things that we use it for.

  • Finding the latest successful build for a given project and Git repo and downloading the build artefacts (the .app files that were created)
  • Reading a given file from a given project and Git repo – we use it to find app.json to download dependency apps recursively in the build process (more on that later)
  • Retrieving CAL objects that were modified by a given changeset #
  • Creating work items, iterations and other ADO entities

Working with Version Numbers in Dynamics Business Central / NAV

Specifically I’m talking about assigning version numbers to your own code and manipulating those versions in CAL / AL and PowerShell.

Version Numbering

There are lots of different systems for assigning a version number to some code. Some incorporate the date or the current year and day number within the year. Loads of background reading here if you’re interested.

The system we typically follow is:

Version number = a.b.c.d where:

  • a = major version – this is only incremented for a major refactoring or complete rewrite of the software
  • b = minor version – incremented when a significant new feature is implemented
  • c = fix – incremented for small changes and bug fixes
  • d = build – set to the ID of the build that created it in Azure DevOps

This system isn’t perfect and we don’t always follow it exactly as written. The line between what is just a fix and what is a new feature is a little blurry. We don’t run CAL code through our DevOps build process so they don’t get a build ID like AL apps do. Hit the comments section and tell me how and why you version differently.

Regardless, the important thing is you give some consideration to versioning. It is especially important that two different copies of your code must not go out to customers having the same version number. This is especially true for AL apps. If you want to publish an updated version of an app it must have a higher version number than the one you are replacing.


There are several situations where we need to work with version numbers in code and in scripts.

  • In the build process – reading the current version from app.json and setting the last element to equal the build ID
  • In our PowerShell script that creates a new navx package from CAL code (yes, we use v1 extensions. Not now, let’s go into that some other time)
  • In upgrade code – what was the previous version of the app? Was it higher or lower than a given version?

If you are considering, like we used to, just treating version numbers as strings…don’t. Think about it:

Treated as versions 1.10.0 is greater than 1.9.0 but when treated as strings it isn’t. That led us to split the versions into two arrays and compare each element. It worked, but it was convoluted. And completely unnecessary.

Some bright spark in our team wondered why we can’t just use .Net’s version type. We can.


Use a DotNet variable of type Version. Construct it with the version number string. NAVAPP.GETARCHIVEVERSION returns a string that can be used.

You can use the properties of the variable to access the individual elements of the version and its methods to compare to another string (less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to).

Version : DotNet System.Version.'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'
Version2 : DotNet System.Version.'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'


IF (Version2.op_LessThan(Version) THEN BEGIN
  //some upgrade code that must be run when coming from an older version than 1.10.0


Declare a variable of a given DotNet type using square brackets. Create a new version with new, Parse or TryParse. The latter expects a version variable passed by reference and returns a Boolean indicating whether a value could be assigned.

Access the elements of the version through the properties of the variable.

C:\> $Version1 = [Version]::new(1,10,0)
>> $Version2 = [Version]::new('1.9.0')
>> $Version1.CompareTo($Version2)

C:\> $Version = [Version]::new(1,10,0)
>> $Version.Minor

C:\> $Version = [Version]::new()
>> [Version]::TryParse('monkey',[ref]$Version)


AL has a native Version datatype. As above, create a new version either from its elements or from a string. NavApp.GetArchiveVersion returns a string that can be used (for migration from v1).

To get the version of the current module (app) or of another app use NavApp.GetCurrentModuleInfo or NavApp.GetModuleInfo.

  Ver : Version;
  Ver2 : Version;
  DataVer : Version;
  AppVer : Version;
  ModInfo : ModuleInfo;
  ModInfo2 : ModuleInfo;
  Ver := Version.Create(1,10,0);
  Ver2 := Version.Create(NavApp.GetArchiveVersion());

  if Ver > Ver2 then begin
    //some upgrade code

  //version of the current app
  DataVer := ModInfo.DataVersion();
  AppVer := ModInfo.AppVersion();

  //app version of the first dependency
  NavApp.GetModuleInfo(ModInfo.Dependencies().Get(1).Id(),ModInfo2); //dependencies is 1 based, not 0 based
  AppVer := ModInfo2.AppVersion();

“About This Page” in Dynamics NAV 2018

My original post about adding some “About this Page” functionality to the web client for Dynamics 365 Business Central has received a bit of attention – enough to demonstrate that there is demand for this in the standard product. Hopefully, this is something that Microsoft will address in time.

They certainly won’t address it, however, for Dynamics NAV 2018. You’ve still got the Windows client, so you could just use that but given that I’ve had a request to make my extension 2018-compatible and it’s a fairly simple change, I have.

App file here: James Pearson_About This Page_1.0.4.0 NAV2018

Source here:
