Tip: Octopus Merges in Git

If you occasionally glance at my blog you might have noticed that I am a big fan of pull requests as served up by Azure DevOps (exhibit A). I briefly described our typical branching strategy here, including how and why we use pull requests.

I love it. Writing, testing and reviewing discrete pieces of development independently of one another helps spread the work around the team and prevent work getting blocked by some unrelated development in the same project.

However, occasionally we’ll have several pull requests open for the same project which I want to publish to some testing environment (either a local Docker container or SaaS sandbox) all together. Maybe it made sense to develop those work items separately but it’s hard to test them in isolation.

I tend to create a new local branch called testing or something equally banal, merge all the changes into that branch and publish. Here’s where the octopus comes in. We usually use git merge to merge a single other branch into the current branch e.g.

git checkout master
git merge release/1.2.0 --ff-only

To merge the commits in the release branch into the master branch (but only if it is possible to fast-forward merge).

Git doesn’t restrict you to a single other branch though. You can add as many as you like. Say we’ve got 3 feature branches on the go which I want to push to a SaaS sandbox for a consultant to test.

git checkout -b testing
git merge feature/one feature/two feature/three

This will create and checkout a new testing branch and then merge the three feature branches into it. Octopuses for the win.