Code Coverage Updates in VS Code with AL Test Runner


For a while now AL Test Runner has been able to download the code coverage details after running your tests, output a summary of the objects that were hit with some stats and then highlight the lines which were hit in the previous test run or the last time you ran all the tests. More in the docs.

Recently, VS Code has added an API for test extensions to feed data into and some UI to show the coverage. It’s pretty cool.

Test Coverage

The first thing you’ll notice is this “Test Coverage” panel which is displayed after the tests have run. It displays a tree of the ojbects which have been hit by the run and the percentage coverage (in statement coverage terms).

If you click on a file in the tree it will open the file in the editor and you will see lines which were hit highlighted in the gutter.

In fact, these highlights will continue to be shown as you navigate around your source code. I’m leaving the “Code Coverage: Off/Previous/All” item in the status bar as this highlights each whole line and is much easier to see if you want to zoom out and get an impression of coverage of the whole file.

Coverage from Previous Runs

Coverage from previous test runs is stored and can be accessed from the Test Results pane (usually shown at the bottom of the screen). It might be useful to switch between test coverage results for test runs to see how to coverage % has changed over time (with the usual caveat about not using code coverage as a target).

The decorations in the gutter to indicate which lines have been covered in the current file are only shown when the latest test coverage is being displayed. That makes sense because the code coverage detail is all based on line numbers. Once you’ve made some changes to a file those line numbers are obsolete.

Performance Profiling Tests with AL Test Runner

This is a feature that has been in AL Test Runner for a months now but I haven’t got round to blogging about it. I haven’t done much blogging or work on AL Test Runner for a while now. I started a new job at the start of the year and had more important stuff keeping me occupied, but Johannes ( has prompted me into some action with some contributions recently – thanks very much for that 🥳


My original scenario was that we had some poorly performing code. Complex code. Complex code I hadn’t been involved with much before. Complex code that would be easy for me to break functionally, while trying to improve the performance.

My first task was to surround the code with some integration tests. I find this an effective way to learn some existing code. You have to learn how to construct the GIVENs – what is the data structure and what setup is required for each test? It also gives you an easy way to step through the code and see what’s going on when certain processes are run. Crucially it also gave me some confidence that I wasn’t completely screwing up the app that I was working on while I was changing it.

Comparing Performance

OK, so I’ve got some tests to validate the functional behaviour before and after my changes, but what about performance? We have the Performance Toolkit, but I think that is less about the performance of a single process and more about concurrency. The obvious choice is to use the Performance Profiler.

I wanted to leave the existing code paths intact and just use a setup field as a rudimentary feature flag to switch between the old code and the new code. But, I didn’t want to be opening the client to run the performance profiler page or initialize and download snapshot profiles in between each test. I wondered if it was possible to could automate capturing a profile and downloading it to the workspace somehow.

It was 🙂


There is a new setting “Enable Performance Profiler” which defaults to true. This uses some new functions in the Test Runner Service app. With each test run the performance profile is captured and downloaded to the .altestrunner folder in your test project.

This should all be handled automatically. The Test Runner Service app should be downloaded when required and the serviceUrl in the config file set automatically. Check the docs for the required setup if not though.


There is a new icon in the status bar which will open the performance profile viewer with the latest trace.

With this I could run two tests with the old and the new and compare the results side by side. If you want to do that just take a copy of the first trace file as it will be overwritten by the second test.

The trace, of course, has other benefits too. It is much easier to see the whole callstack and use the links on the right hand side to jump straight into the code. This also gives the potential for other features. I could maybe do something that allows you to choose two tests to run and download separate traces for them all in one action? Or read through the trace file to update the test coverage map? Let me know whether either of those sounds interesting or if you have other ideas or issues.

Using the Dynamic Data Type in KQL


Lately I’ve been working more with telemetry, Application Insights, the excellent Power BI report and samples from Microsoft and writing a little KQL. Back in the days when you actually knew where your SQL server was I used to write a lot of ad-hoc SQL for analysis or troubleshooting so getting into KQL has been nice.

KQL sort of looks like SQL…but with the SELECT and FROM clauses switched round…and use project instead of SELECT…and use join kind=leftouter instead of LEFT JOIN…and DON’T WRITE EVERYTHING IN CAPS.

At least WHERE is still the same (but stop shouting and use where instead of WHERE).

If you want to get into writing your own KQL I’d recommend Kusto Explorer and this post got me started with creating the connection to Application Insights.


Like with SQL you can create your own variables for use later in your script. So you probably use SET or DECLARE then? No, use let like in JavaScript.

let tenantId = "c042cd54-77a9-4b96-aa0b-fc43bd0161c7";

Then use that variable in your script.

let tenantId = "c042cd54-77a9-4b96-aa0b-fc43bd0161c7";
traces |
    where customDimensions.tenantId == tenantId


  • the semicolon between the statements, as in JavaScript (or not…digression)
  • no blank line between the statements, otherwise they are interpreted as separate scripts and your where line will break
  • the double equals – remember, like JavaScript, not T-SQL
  • the table (traces) is piped to the where, like a scripting language

Dynamic Data Type

KQL supports a bunch of data types with built-in functions to manipulate them and convert between them but it also has a dynamic data type which is a generic container to hold any of the other types – like a variant in AL.

I’ve found this useful for creating a dictionary of values that I want to lookup later in the script. I’ve been querying the signals for scheduled tasks and job queue entries. These signals include the object ids that were executed, but not their names.

We can use the dynamic function to create a dynamic value and parse some JSON to create a dictionary of object id and object name. Later in the script we can retrieve the object name with square brackets.

let objectNames = dynamic({"50100": "Improbability Drive Calcs.", "50101": "Restart Flux Capacitor"});
| where
| project
objectName = objectNames[tostring(customDimensions.alJobQueueObjectId)]


  • You can name the column in the projected output with columnName =
  • Use tostring() to cast the dynamic value in customDimensions to a string


Creating a dictionary was enough for me because I’m mostly dealing with codeunits and I don’t care if there are pages or tables with the same id. If you do care then you could create a table instead with the datatable operator. Like this:

let objectNames = datatable(objectType: string, objectId: int, objectName: string)[
    "Table", 18, "Customer",
    "Codeunit", 80, "Sales-Post"
| where objectType == "Table" and objectId == 18
| project objectName


Flagging How Your Code Got Called

Sometimes it would be useful to know how your code has been reached. For example, how and why is this sales line being inserted, or this sales order released? You might want to react differently in your code depending on the situation.

In my case I wanted to know if my code has been reached because a configuration package is currently being applied. In the end we decided this wasn’t needed in the product but I thought it was interesting enough to share anyway.


What options do we have? Or, click don’t patronise me, just skip to the interesting part.


It might be enough just to know which field the user was validating when your code was reached, in which case you can just check CurrFieldNo.

Consider how you are going to write tests for this though. I try to avoid using TestPage variables in tests so you need some other way to simulate the user validating the field on the page. It isn’t big or clever but you can have a method to set CurrFieldNo.

internal procedure SetCurrFieldNo(FieldNo: Integer)
    CurrFieldNo := FieldNo;


procedure TestingSomethingOrOther()
    SalesLine: Record "Sales Line";
    SalesLine.Validate("No.", Item."No.");


If you extend table triggers with table extensions they will only be called with Insert/Modify/Delete(true);

If you subscribe to the OnBefore/OnAfter Insert/Modify/Delete events in a codeunit then pay attention to the RunTrigger parameter.

Don’t forget to also pay attention to whether the record is temporary with Rec.IsTemporary(); You probably want your code to behave differently depending on whether the record is temporary or not.

Alternate Code Paths or Events

Sometimes the base app (or other app that you are extending) might have anticipated that you need to be able to distinguish between certain scenarios.

For example, Release Sales Document might be called by a user clicking on the Release action on the Sales Order page or it might be called deep in the warehouse posting routine. Those are very different contexts and you might need to react differently depending on which it is.

In this case, Release Sales Document has the concept of a “manual” release for when it has been invoked by the user. There are separate events you can subscribe to depending on if you only want to react to a manual release or all releases.

I’m not keen on this design in the base app – but that ship has long since sailed, carrying approvals and pre-payments with it.

Investigate the Callstack

We could capture the current callstack, see where we’ve come from and choose how to react.

Possible, but don’t.

Saving the State Somewhere

You might consider creating a new object where you can save some state to retrieve later. Set a boolean flag to true at the start of the process and then retrieve the value of that boolean later on.

Good idea, but where are we going to save that value?

SingleInstance Codeunit

A SingleInstance codeunit might be an obvious place to start. Create a global variable in that codeunit, set its value at the start of the process (maybe with an event subscription) and then check its value when you need it.

At face value this looks like a good and easy solution but quickly becomes quite difficult.

You have to clear the state of the codeunit at some point otherwise your flag will never get set to false again (until the user logs off/switches company).

If there is an appropriate OnAfter event then surely we can just subscribe to that and unset the flag? Yes, but what if that event never gets called? What if there is an error midway through the process? Your flag remains set. That could lead to some problems.

Flag Record

OK, could we use a field in a table as the flag instead? Write into that table at the start of the process and delete the record at the end. If an error occurs then the record changes will be rolled back with everything else. Possibly, but consider:

  • Temporary records are not rolled back when an error occurs (they are only in memory, not part of the database transaction). That can be useful (e.g. that is how preview posting collects the ledger entries) but not if you are relying on it to unset your flag if an error occurs
  • If you are going to use a real (non-temporary) table to do this you don’t want it to become a performance bottleneck. Your record will be locked until the transaction is committed
  • Presumably you want a row per user, but the same user can be logged in multiple times so you probably want a row per session

None of this is insurmountable, but it isn’t elegant either.

Raise a Flag With a Manually Bound Codeunit

Ideally we are looking for a flag that:

  • will not persist after the process we are interested has ended or an error has occurred
  • doesn’t require any manual clean up e.g. subscribing to an OnAfter event
  • doesn’t get involved with the database transaction, need to lock tables or rollback

A manually bound codeunit might be what we’re looking for.

I’ve created two new codeunits:

  • Apply Config. Watcher – this has a public method which we can use to ask if a configuration is currently being applied. We might call this from OnInsert of a table or field validation, for example. It throws an (internal) event to determine whether a config package is being applied or not
  • Apply Config. Flag – this is a manually bound codeunit which just subscribers to the event and sets the boolean to true

Now we need to make sure that an instance of our codeunit is bound when a configuration package is being applied and is not bound when it isn’t.

One way to do this is to keep a bound instance of the codeunit as a global variable inside a record variable. As long as the record variable is in scope, so is our flag codeunit. Now the tricky part, we need an event which passes an instance of a record variable (i.e. passes it by var) which we can store our codeunit in.

The standard Config. Package Management codeunit has an event that we can use, OnBeforeApplyPackageRecords. This event includes the ConfigPackageRecord variable, passed by var. I’ve extended that table with a RaiseApplyConfigFlag() method.

tableextension 50500 "Config Package Record" extends "Config. Package Record"
        ApplyConfigFlag: Codeunit "Apply Config. Flag";

    internal procedure RaiseApplyConfigFlag()
        SubscriptionBound: Boolean;
#pragma warning disable AA0206
         SubscriptionBound := BindSubscription(ApplyConfigFlag);
#pragma warning restore AA0206

This table extension adds our ApplyConfigFlag codeunit as a global variable and binds its subscriptions. This way, as long as this Config. Package Record variable is in scope the Apply Config. Watcher codeunit will return that we are applying a configuration package.

As soon as that variable is out of scope (when the Config. Package Management codeunit has finished with it or an error has occurred) then Apply Config. Watcher will return false.


There may be other contexts that you want to handle differently – releasing a sales document, posting a warehouse shipment or some third party process. If there is:

  • an event early in the process
  • which passes a record variable by var
  • which remains in scope for the duration of the process

then this may be an option for identifying that context without messing around with single instance codeunits or records to store user state.

Tip: Out-ExcelClipboard in PowerShell

From time to time I want to get some result from a PowerShell command into Excel. Unless I’m missing something, there isn’t a great option to do this in standard PowerShell.

I know that you can use Export-Csv or Export-Clixml and then open the file in Excel. I know you can use Out-GridView and then copy and paste from there into Excel (albeit without the column headings). You can also use .Net types but I just want to pipe my result to a function and then paste into Excel. I want <some output of previous functions> | Out-ToExcel

function Out-ExcelClipboard {
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)]
    begin {
        $Objects = @()
    process {
        $Objects += $InputObject
    end {
        $Objects | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter "`t" -NoTypeInformation | Set-Clipboard

Export-ModuleMember -Function Out-ExcelClipboard

I’ve added this function to my module which I load by default in my PowerShell profile. This took more code than I was expecting. For the curious, ValueFromPipeline tells PowerShell to bind the output from the pipeline to this parameter. It then calls the process block for each value in the pipeline.

You can add begin and end blocks to do extra stuff before and after all the values have been processed. In my case, stuff them all into a new collection, convert to tab-delimited text without including any type information and then pass that value to the clipboard. Lovely.