You Can Ditch Our Build Helper for Dynamics 365 Business Central

I’m a bit of a minimalist when it comes to tooling, so I’m always happy to ditch a tool because its functionality can be provided by something else I’m already using.

In a previous post I described how we use our Build Helper AL app to prep a test suite with the test codeunits and methods that you want to run. Either as part of a CI/CD pipeline or to run from VS Code.

Freddy K has updated the navcontainerhelper PowerShell module and improved the testing capabilities – see this post for full details.

The new extensionId parameter for the Run-TestsInBCContainer function removes the need to prepare the test suite before running the tests. Happily, that means we can dispense with downloading, publishing, installing, synchronising and calling the Build Helper app.

The next version of our own PowerShell module will read the app id from app.json and use the extensionId parameter to run the tests. Shout out to Freddy for making it easier than ever to run the tests from the shell 👍