Tip: List-Commits

function List-Commits {
  cd 'C:\Git'
  $Commits = @()
  Get-ChildItem . -Directory | % {
    cd "$_"
    if (Test-Path (Join-Path (Get-Location) '.git')) {
      $Commits += git log --all --format="$($_)~%h~%ai~%s~%an" | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter '~' -Header ('Project,Hash,Date,Message,Author'.Split(','))
    cd ..
  $Commits | ? Author -EQ "$(git config --get user.name)" | sort Date -Descending | Out-GridView -Title 'Commits'

This function iterates through Git repositories under the same parent folder (C:\Git in my case), builds a list of all the commits that you’ve authored (i.e. that match your user.name in Git config) and displays them in descending date order in a grid view.

Change the path in the second line to suit, or just remove it to have it search for repositories under the current directory.

Sample output in a PowerShell grid view

I use it to remind myself what I’ve been working on over the last few days. Mostly for fun and only occasionally because I’m late filling in my timesheets… 🙄

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