Extension Settings in Microsoft Dynamics Business Central

Edit: The following is only relevant for Business Central sandbox environments. External service calls will always be permitted in production tenants.

Recent builds of Business Central introduce a check when your app attempts to call an external service through the HttpClient type in AL. The user will see a message like this:

“The extension [extension name] by [publisher nameis making a request to an external service. Do you want to allow this request?”

external service request

This decision is saved into the database and is editable from the Extension Settings page…

extension settings.JPG

…which stores the setting in the NAV App Setting table.

NAV App Setting record.JPG

Either search in the menu for Extension Settings or use the AssitEdit button for the extension on the Extension Management page.

extension management config.JPG

The only editable setting on the Extension Settings page at the moment is “Allow HttpClient Requests” but I guess we might see this table being used for more per-app configuration settings in future.

You can delete the record from the Extension Settings page if you like. If you do the user will be prompted to make the decision again the next time the app attempts to call an external service.

For the curious, if you choose to block the request or uncheck the “Allow HttpClient Requests” option on the Extension Settings page the user will see this message:

“The request was blocked by the runtime to prevent accidental use of production services.”

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