Source Code Management: Conclusions

I stated in the first post in this series that I wasn’t going to offer any advice. I will, however, attempt to draw some conclusions from our experiences and hope that you’ll find them helpful, or at least interesting.

(Not) Migrating to Git

A few months before we trialled Git in earnest as a team I tried it out for myself. I had a look because I’d heard various reasons that we should migrate:

  • “It’s faster” – yes, in my experience all the key operations are faster in Git than TFVC (committing vs. checking-in, cloning vs. getting latest version, viewing differences between versions)
    • Is that a compelling reason in itself to migrate? You can be the judge of that
  • “Microsoft are moving to it themselves” – who cares? Do you have the same requirements as Microsoft?
    • This would only be a valid argument if they stopped supporting TFVC. As far as I can see they are adding support for more version control systems not removing them (the Build system can now retrieve code from Subversion)
  • “VS Code has built in support for Git” – true, which is great.
    • You can add support for TFVC through a VS Code extension published by Microsoft
    • Again, you can decide how important the convenience of having support for Git in your IDE is weighed against other factors
    • Having tried a few GUIs for Git, VS Code is not my personal favourite – Git Extensions is

I decided at the time that we didn’t need to migrate to Git. The benefits didn’t outweigh the challenges in having the team learn a new system and migrate to it in my estimation. This was during the days of us developing in a central NAV development database (more on that here).

Moving to a distributed version control system while we were working in a single development database didn’t seem to make a lot of sense and I figured that our development practice should drive our choice of version control – not the other way round.

Migrating to Git

All of that said, now that we have migrated to Git I can’t imagine going back to TFVC. Some of our key experiences and learning points:

  • Git has a steeper learning curve. Getting your head round cloning the entire repository, how branches work, pushing, fetching and pulling changes – it’s all a little more involved than TFVC
  • It’s worth investing the time to understand the core concepts. I watched many hours of YouTube videos about Git and read lots of blogs – you can use Git as centralised version control (by pushing to the remote every time you commit) but you’re missing most of the power if you do
  • Personally, I forced myself to use the command line rather than a GUI for common tasks – this helped me grasp what the commands were actually doing and how they can be manipulated in different situations. That knowledge will come in handy when someone in your team asks why their rebase has resulted in a conflict and how to fix it
  • We create a lot of branches now, because it’s so easy and because we use pull requests (see below)
  • Git gives you much finer control over the repositories and your commits than TFVC: interactive rebasing, resetting, reverting, cherry-picking, squashing, fixing, amending commits – with a little practice and research (see above) there aren’t really any ways to screw up the repository so badly that you can’t clean it up again
  • The complexity that makes Git harder to get started with also makes it very flexible and powerful
  • Did I mention that pull requests are awesome? The tools to collaborate on code in Azure DevOps have revolutionised our development workflow. We got started with code review in TFVC but moving to Git has allowed us to move on to another level

At the End of the Day

At the end of the day, source code management is a tool to help us turn out working software for our customers. Different dev teams use different systems in different ways. That’s because they have different development practices and procedures.

However, I think it’s fair to say that we’ve found source code management is not a substitute for good process. Implementing it was initially difficult because we weren’t following a consistent, disciplined development process. It was clear that we weren’t going to be able to extract much value from our system until we were.

As we have changed, and sought to improve our process over the years we have changed our system to suit, which feels like the right way round to me.

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